Life made easy feat. VS Code

Ashwin Kumar Uppala
3 min readJun 10, 2021


I’ll jump straight to the points and list down the shortcuts I use which have/will save me years of time in coding.

Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. Command Palette ctrl + shift + P : This Palette is your one-stop-shop for every setting in VS Code

Remove the > key to access files from workspace

2. Rename Symbols (everywhere) : Hit F2 on a variable. (We have a bad habit to name variables a , b , x instead of understandable words)

3. Integrated Terminal ctrl + ~ : quickly get focus or close/open your terminal

4. Toggle Side Bar Visibility ctrl + B : toggle editor’s side bar

Use these commands together to clean up the editor swiftly.

5. Move code/codes of line : alt + ⬆ or ⬇

want to move a code inside a function? Stop cut-paste

6. Delete one or more lines (customized) ctrl + D :

7. Copy line/lines : shift + alt+ ⬆ or ⬇:

8. Multi cursor editing : alt + click OR ctrl + alt + ⬆ or ⬇

9. Split/Unsplit tabs ctrl + alt + ➡ or ⬅ :

10. Word Wrap alt+ z : Very handy word wrap for smaller code windows

11. Create a directory and file in it at the same time : Click on new file and enter folder name followed by / and file name (with extension)

12. Browser shortcuts : Yes, many browser shortcuts work in VS code like

  • Switch Tabs : ctrl + Tab
  • Close Tab: ctrl + W
  • Reopen Closed Tab: ctrl + shit + T (Incase you accidently closed a tab)

BONUS: Intellisense

The definitions in intellisense will save you the time from googling them

It is turned on by default, but you can invoke it manually using ctrl + space

Let me know if I missed out any handy shortcut or if you have customized them in a different way.

Thanks for reading!



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